Bone Health

Bone is the major reservoir for many minerals and compounds essential for maintaining a healthy pH balance. The deterioration of the body with age renders the elderly particularly susceptible to and affected by poor bone health. Illnesses like osteoporosis, characterized by weakening of the bone’s structural matrix, increases the risk of hip-fractures and other life-changing secondary symptoms.

Metabolic path to strong bone: The Science behind
Japanese diet has less absorption of calcium compare to American and European. This is related to the consumption of milk. However, fracture rate of the Japanese elderly is very low. Why is this so?

To answer the above question, Let’s began by understanding the process by which our body build bones:
To build a strong bone, prevent osteoporosis, our body needs Calcium as basic building block, the Calcium is then need to be absorbed into our blood stream with the helps of Vitamin D, the Calcium in our blood then needs Vitamin K2 to transport it to the bone. Thus we need 3 essential components: Ca + Vit D + Vit K in the bone formation process.

Our modern healthy diet, rich in Calcium, but often deficient in vitamin K. Reasons is to obtain 45 mcg of vitamin K2 (RDA) through our normal diet, one should consume: 4 kg of steak or 80g of soft cheese or 5L of milk. Which is impractical to said the least. Fortunately for Japanese, Vitamin K2 is abundantly found in fermented Natto. Thus unless you are on a Japanese (Natto rich) diet, you will be better of to supplement with Vitamin K for anti osteoporosis and maintaining your bone health.