Heart attacks are triggered when blood flow to the heart is suddenly cut off, preventing oxygen from reaching the heart. Most heart attacks occur as a result of coronary heart disease, when plaque buildup in the arteries eventually results in the blockage of the entire coronary artery. Smoking encourages such buildup as it damages blood vessels, raises cholesterol levels and elevates blood pressure.

Plaque consists of fat, cholesterol and other substances found in the blood, with its buildup often resulting from an overconsumption of foods rich in such substances. Preventing a heart attack thus involves ensuring that your diet is controlled and low in sugar, fats and cholesterols, and maintaining a healthy weight.

In order to do so, it is important to first know what food you should not be consuming. Foods rich in trans fat, saturated fat and added sugars should be cut out from your diet. For example, chips, pastries rich in sugars and ice cream should be avoided to prevent weight gain and an excess of sugars and cholesterol in the body.

Alternatively,foods rich in nutrients, fiber and healthy fats should be consumed to ensure a healthy heart.

Fresh fruits and vegetables should be consumed, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals that promote overall health. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are also great in promoting cardiovascular health. This includes fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel.

Stick to whole grain foods such as oatmeal, as these foods are rich in soluble fiber that help lower cholesterol levels, thus preventing plaque from building up in the coronary arteries.

On days when you do feel a desire for dessert, try dark chocolate. Several studies have shown that dark chocolate with at least 60-70% cocoa content helps alleviate blood pressure, clotting and inflammation, thus reducing nonfatal heart attacks among people.

Foods rich in potassium help reduce blood pressure, alleviating stress on the heart, and balancing out the negative effects of salt. As overdosing on potassium is dangerous, it is advisable to consume potassium from natural sources, such as sweet potatoes, beet greens, beans and yogurt.

Aside from the diet, it is also important to exercise to ensure the heart’s optimum state.




